“Make It Work, People!”: Critical Numbers for a Competitive Business Plan (Part III)
Converting Your Static Plan into a Dynamic Tool Whether you’ve thought about starting your own business or you are seeking funding to...

The Work/Life (Family) Balance - Mixing Family with Business
Working with family can be great, but without careful planning, it can also complicate your life and your business. If you’re thinking...

Website Pitfalls That May Cost You New Customers or Cause Your Business to Fail
Economy is essential to every successful business marketing plan and you want to apply the same analysis to your website design. If...

Be King of Your “Domain”: Website Strategies to Keep Customers Engaged and Your Business Successful
Almost anyone shopping for almost every kind of service or product starts on the Internet. The web is today’s “Main Street” and your...

“Newsfeed”: Capitalizing on Social Media in 2014
It’s no secret that social media can be a great tool for small businesses. It’s inexpensive, versatile and you can reach out to your...

Newsfeeds, Hashtags and Likes, Oh My! How to Get Started in Social Media Strategically
It can be a chore to figure out how best to utilize social media platforms. And as your social media presence grows, that chore can turn...